🌞Summer has arrived🌞

🌞Summer has arrived🌞

This weekend saw the start of some warm weather in Suffolk, finally! We planned a trip to the coast which is Roma’s favourite place to go. She adores the water and although spaniels are generally strong swimmers, I have never met a dog who loves being in the ocean so much. We headed to the beach at Thorpeness on the Suffolk Coast with some friends and their retrievers called Pip and Eddie.

The dogs spent all day running in and out of the waves, which were huge. Even we struggled to get in and out of the water without being knocked over. Both pups got completely submerged on a few occasions but that certainly did not stop them from diving back in. My mind was completely at rest as Roma wears a life jacket. It allows me to relax a little and hold conversations with friends without feeling the need to watch over her every second. Especially in open water, when the current is strong, I have confidence that she is better protected despite being a strong swimmer.


We always find frustration when planning a day at the beach or long day out with having to carry around bottles of water and bowls, so the dogs are kept well hydrated. We came across the travel water bottle after a friend showed us theirs and we haven’t looked back. It holds up to 500ml of water, and comes with a handy built-in cup too, it’s ideal for days out and when you’re on the go. They even have a little built-in container for snacks / treats. Roma however was more interested in drinking the sea water, despite being offered cold filtered tap water…. there’s no pleasing some.  

Let us hope the sun is here to stay. Keep safe and hydrated people!!

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